
The Empire Project: The Rise and Fall of the British World-System, 1830?1970

The Empire Project: The Rise and Fall of the British World-System, 1830?1970

Exclusionary Empire: English LIberty Overseas, 1600-1900

Exclusionary Empire: English LIberty Overseas, 1600-1900

The Web of Empire: English Cosmopolitans in an Age of Expansion, 1560-1660

The Web of Empire: English Cosmopolitans in an Age of Expansion, 1560-1660

The Geography of Empire in English Literature, 1580?1745

The Geography of Empire in English Literature, 1580?1745

Settlers and Expatriates: Britons over the Seas (The Oxford History of the British Empire)

Settlers and Expatriates: Britons over the Seas (The Oxford History of the British Empire)

Migration and Empire (The Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series)

Migration and Empire (The Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series)

Gender and Empire (The Oxford History of the British Empire Companion)

Gender and Empire (The Oxford History of the British Empire Companion)



脱植民地化とイギリス帝国 (イギリス帝国と20世紀)

脱植民地化とイギリス帝国 (イギリス帝国と20世紀)



帝国の長い影―20世紀国際秩序の変容 (MINERVA西洋史ライブラリー)

帝国の長い影―20世紀国際秩序の変容 (MINERVA西洋史ライブラリー)